Assist people to discover and develop faith and trust in God again through a personal relationship.
To create films that share God’s Truth and Love with humanity.

Our Team
BSE is led by Founders Thalia Skopellos and Nicoleta Marangou who are partners in life and passions.
A couple who believes in God and are dedicated to sharing faith-based, inspirational and soulful stories, about healing trauma, and growing in love. They believe that in every story there is always a whisper from God.

Nicoleta Marangou
Nicoleta graduated with degree in criminology and then began her journey of following her true passion in 2012. She has trained extensively in the Meisner technique and through this transitioned into writing and directing.
Having graduated with a Tertiary Diploma in Interactive Media majoring in Film and Video she has become versatile in different aspects of filmmaking from cinematography, editing and camera operator, but her passions and focus are in writing, directing acting and producing.
Her acting credits include short films Conversations with Poppy, Side Effects and Persistence. She co-directed Conversations with Poppy, Ocean friends (Part 1) and Arcadia (Part 2).
Her theatre credits include directing, Alana Valentine’s well-known play Parramatta Girls and was the 2nd Assistant Director of a Greek comedic play I Have a Goal, Your Honour.
She has assisted in Sound for short films such as Sorrowland and theatre shows including, Romeo and Juliet, and Captain Moonlight, including a number of music videos and video for businesses.
In 2024 she graduated in Screen and Media (Screenwriting) from New York Film Academy.
Some fun facts about Nicoleta is that she is Greek/Cypriot Australia, grew up in Campbelltown NSW, loves mathematics, Doris Day, Judy Garland and the three stooges.

Thalia Skopellos
Thalia began her journey as receptionist and drifted from job to job in many industries ranging from mining, hospitality, retail, corporate universities and more until she finally built up the courage to follow her passion of music in 2012. She went on to graduate with a Bachelor of Music (Composition & Music Production) and also recently graduated with a Tertiary Diploma in Interactive Media majoring in Film and Video.
Since then Thalia has become is a multi-faceted artist, entrepreneur, music producer, sound composer and filmmaker who loves to create anything from in emotional, upbeat, chillout, happy, feel-good music to hybrid orchestral, Pixar style synth driven scores for audio visual productions (production music) and commercial releases.
A recipient of the APRA AMCOS 2024 NATSIMO Screen Composer Intensive, she composed the score to a short animation at Church St Studios. The composition was recorded at Track Down Studios with a string quartet and 4 piece brass section.
She is signed to Melodie Music Publishing and Beats Fresh Music and has released production music albums on both platforms (2024) and was recently selected to participate in the APRA Screen Songhubs to compose and pitch music for various TV shows on Paramount Australia.
Her commercial releases have been featured on major Spotify playlists such as Just Chill, New Dance Beats, Deadly Beats, Just Chill, Fresh Finds AU & NZ, House Sounds and Blak Hits for Kids, including airplay on triple j and triple j unearthed.
Some fun facts about Thalia, she is a First Nations Yidinji Atherton Tableland Aboriginal, mixed with Greek, Philippino, Chinese and South Sea Islander, gay, vegan and 10 years sober but simply identifies as a child of God and human soul here to learn, grow and share her gifts with the world.
Summerland is claimed to be a place at the top of the first sphere in the spirit world. It is often described as being as pretty as the most beautiful location on earth is, however, there are even more prettier locations beyond Summerland that is available to every human soul when they pass dependent on their condition of love. To reach these beautiful locations requires everyone to grow in love.
It is also proclaimed that Summerland is the location that children automatically go to when they pass from the earth due to their purity and condition of love. They are usually taken care of, well loved and brought up by celestial spirits (who are just normal people who once lived on earth) up until such a time they can exercise their free will in how they want to live in the spirit world. In the spirit world the free will and desires of a child are much more respected and honoured to a standard of God’s Love than compared to any earthly experience they have so they are never forced to do anything other than what they want to do.
Whereas most adults do not normally pass directly into Summerland but often pass into a location in the lower spheres of the spirit world due to the dark soul condition and lack of love that was developed while on earth.
The good news is though that once anyone passes no matter the location, everyone still has the opportunity to progress and grow in love beyond their current capacity just like on earth. It is a false teaching that once a person passes they are condemned to one location forever. Just like on earth as we grow and learn we too can continue to grow and learn in the spirit world.
This is a loving provision of God, who wants all of Her children to grow in love and progress.
So for us the goal is to progress and grow in love beyond Summerland and into the higher celestial spheres in the Kingdom of Heaven where God reigns and assist others to do the same.
We believe God is our True Parent who created our soul, our unique personality and sexuality, the world and all the animals that live in it.
We believe God is an entity who has both masculine and feminine qualities and is not of human form.
We think of God as a big BIG soul who is all loving, that has emotions and love to give, that we can talk to daily, that we can ask for love, that we can share our problems with, that we can share our dreams with, that we can go to for love, support and guidance, that we can also love and honour in return.
We believe that God communicates to us through our emotions (not through words or voices) but through feelings, and can share love with us directly into our soul, to help us to heal from trauma and become more loving individuals.
We believe the formula to determining what God’s Truth is, is anything that is logical, loving and can be scientifically proven.
Anyone can discover what God’s Truth is through applying this formula and asking is it logical, is it loving and can it be scientifically proven.
God’s Love is an emotion from God that can be received into the human soul. It is God’s ultimate way of loving us, to share this love with us when we sincerely seek it and desire it.
When we sincerely desire it and ask for it, we can receive this love into our soul and it can transform the human soul into a holy being to the point of becoming perfected in God’s Love.
This is the condition that was achieved by Jesus in the first century, the condition of being at-one with God’s Love where he developed a personal relationship with God to the point he received enough of God’s Love into his soul that he became at-one with God’s Love and had God’s Love flowing through his soul 24/7 and therefore knew how to love others in the way that God loved others.
This is the ultimate goal for our soul, to become at-one with God’s Love and to follow the Way as taught by Jesus about how to have a personal relationship with God so that we can become perfected in God’s Love just as Jesus achieved.
No we are not affiliated with any religion and we do not attend weekly church or belong to any Christian faith. We believe that anyone can have an intimate and personal relationship with God whether you belong to a church or not because God does not discriminate and the gift of God’s Love is available to all who sincerely desire it.
Everything we have learned about God and about how to have a relationship with God comes from experimenting with Divine Truth teachings taught by Alan John Miller and Mary Luck who claim to be Jesus and Mary Magdalene from the First Century. Through attending seminars on a few occassions but mostly through videos we watch on their YouTube channel, we are learning how to apply these teachings in a very practical manner in our personal lives here in Sydney about how to love God and be loved by God just as he achieved in the First Century.
No we are not. We do not represent the teachings of Divine Truth and do not proclaim to be teachers of Divine Truth. We are not officially endorsed by Jesus and Mary from Divine Truth. We are just regular people who are highly flawed and imperfect, who have a passion for God, learning, growing and healing so that we can have a relationship with God, grow in our relationship together as a couple and also do what we love which is storytelling and sharing stories with the world that will have the most benefit towards humanity healing and growing in love towards God.
So far, our experience with Divine Truth, Jesus and Mary (particulary Thalia’s experience) over the past 10 years has demonstrated that Divine Truth is far from being a cult.
During this time I (Thalia) have lived my life in Sydney striving to follow my dreams of being a music composer, striving to heal and become more loving as an individual. Jesus and Mary who live in rural QLD, has had absolutely no control over my life in Sydney and my personal decisions in how I choose to live.
We (Thalia and Nicoleta) live out our lives their here in Sydney, making our own choices and decisions with the goal to become more loving, in harmony with God’s Love and to heal our soul from all the trauma and blocks that prevent us from having a relationship with God.
Our life and how we live, demonstrates that we do not belong to a cult and anyone at anytime is free to come and observe how we live and get to know us personally.
Because the Bible has been written by humans, we believe there are parts of the Bible that are loving and therefore inspired by God to people living on earth who shared those accounts. These parts of the Bible can be very inspiring towards growing in love and having a relationship with God.
But, there are also parts of the Bible that are unloving and are not of God, but rather written from men which became man made ‘laws’. These parts of the Bible should be discarded because they do not assist a person to grow in love and is harmful to humanity.
Anything in the Bible that encourages war, punishment, hatred, destruction, violence, discrimination and seeks to paint God as a wrathful, punishing being we do not believe to be the word of God.
We believe that because God is infinite, therefore God’s Truths are infinite and logically cannot be contained in one book.
So, we seek to discover God’s Truths directly from a personal relationship with God and not from a book.
We feel it is harmful for any individual to say that any one book contains all of God’s Truth because it can prevent a person from growing and discovering more and more truth resulting in a person being very closed off and rigid in their beliefs.
We believe God’s Truth can be discovered everywhere, in science, in art, in maths, in nature and through many of the laws of the universe that reflect to us everyday where we are in or out of harmony with love.
No we don’t. We believe Jesus to be our brother who is the only human so far to become at-one with God’s Love while on earth.
We do not believe in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to save us from our sins because that would make God a horrible parent that makes someone else responsible for the wrong that we as individuals do.
It is not logical or loving that someone else can pay for someone else’s sins, through being murdered. Jesus Christ was murdered because he threatened the political and monetary structures of that time.
We love Jesus as our brother and our friend who can show us the way to God to save ourselves and take self responsibility for our own sins, our trauma, through developing a personal relationship with God.